The Woke Chibi Kitty Project

I am a first-generation American artist.
My mother immigrated from Mexico with her parents.
I was born in New Mexico in 1993 and raised in the SE United States;
I grew up in Georgia, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.
For decades now I have been developing myself as an artist.
For years, I wanted to create a work that is engaging, thoughtful, & unique.
This idea has manifest itself as

The Project will be a testament of my craft, my skill level,
my love of music, my attraction to the esoteric,
my passion to teach others in a novel way, and more.

Thank you for being here.
I am most appreciative.

Dec. 15th 2023

I'm still in the testing phase. Mostly working on familiarizing myself with the Godot 4 engine and GDscript, trying to get simple mechanics to work. Here, I am trying to get Woke to shoot mushrooms. But it seems the markers for the mushrooms are so far from the player that they end of inside of other static objects when the player is too close. I'm sure there are a lot of different ways to solve this. Right now I'm thinking maybe some type of boolean that checks if the marker is already within another body/not allowing the player to shoot/maybe playing a separate animation for those instances. If you have any ideas, feel free to reach out.

Dec. 17th 2023

Running Tests, Mushrooms + Jumps

Dec. 23rd 2023

Decided to start working on some other characters/interactions.
Here's a little robot dude I made. Right now he can 'see' the player, move towards,
and when the player is close enough he starts 'collecting data'.
I also added a little 'teleport' feature. It's not really anything special, just displaces the player.
I was having enemies block me in, so I needed a way to escape! lol...